Exhibiting at ATPS alone is a fantastic way to promote your company, but we want to help you sweeten the deal! We’ve got opportunities for advertisements, sponsorships and more. Take a look at the options, and shoot an email to Martha Barton at [email protected] when you’re ready to get involved.
Show Guide
The ATPS Show Guide is a book that includes the daily symposium schedule, descriptions of technical sessions and short courses, a directory of exhibitors and general information about ATPS and its host, the Turbomachinery Laboratory.
All of this is combined into one easy-to-carry, beautifully-packaged manual provided to all paid attendees as well as Free Pass attendees who choose to pick one up on the Exhibit floor.
- FREE Company Name Listing & Description
Each exhibiting company will have a description of their services and company classification included in the Show Guide, free of charge. To complete submit your company description and classification, use the link emailed to you by Exhibitor Services. This information must be submitted by: January 3, 2020 - Additional Company Name Listing & Description
Let us help you accommodate mergers, acquisitions and subsidiary companies while still directing traffic to your booth! We will provide a cross-reference listing for companies who need to be identified by another name for a fee of $500 per additional name. This fee covers your company name listing on the ATPS website (atps.tamu.edu), and a listing in the Show Guide, which includes a descriptive paragraph of no more than 100 words and contact information. Complete the Additional Name Listing Form by: February 7, 2020 - Advertise
Increase your visibility at ATPS with an advertisement in the show guide or a company logo alongside your free company description. Complete the Show Guide Ad/Logo Form by: February 7, 2020ATPS 2020 Show Guide Ad Form and Specifications
Press Kit Material
All exhibiting companies are invited to submit printed and/or digital materials for inclusion in the official Symposium Press Kit, distributed to all members of the press covering ATPS. Aside from printing costs, there is no charge for inclusion of materials in the Press Kit. The Press Kit will include printed copies of material and a USB flash drive with all digital material.
Printed Press Kit Requirements – Deadline: March 1, 2018
- Content: new product release information/press release
- Quantity: 35
- Shipping: Clearly indicate Press Kit on the package.
Turbomachinery Laboratory
Attn: Brooke West
3254 TAMU
509 MEOB Spence Street
College Station, TX 77843-3254Print materials must be received by March 1, 2018 to be included in the Press Kit.
Digital Press Kit Requirements – Deadline: March 1, 2018
- Limit 2 files, PDF only
- File Name: ATPS18-[Company Name]-[File Description]Submit to: [email protected] & [email protected] with the subject PRESS KIT
Should you have any questions, contact Communications Director Brooke West at [email protected] or 979-845-8943. Thank you for your participation!