Correspondence about your paper should be funneled through the contact author only. This is usually the person who submits the paper or the first author listed. If you would like to change the contact author, please notify Ashton Drollinger. It will be up to the contact author to see that all coauthors receive copies of all correspondence. Please follow these instructions or make certain that they are passed on to whoever actually prepares the paper for submission.
External LinkDownload Style Guide
Preparing the paper
A Turbomachinery Laboratory template is provided on our website for Lectures and Tutorials. Please contact Ashton Drollinger if you need help applying your paper to the template.
The written manuscript must be a technical report, not an outline or written form of the verbal presentation.
- Use active, not passive, voice.
- Avoid first person or personal pronouns (we, our, etc.).
- The entire document and visual aids must be free of commercialism, including artwork. LOGOS CANNOT BE PRESENT after the first page of your manuscript or after the first slide of your presentation.
- One author must submit the manuscript and clearly labeled artwork with the Figures and Tables embedded in the paper itself.
- Manuscripts must be submitted electronically.
See this paper for an example of solid organizational structure. Ask your monitor if you have questions about how to organize your paper. Please include:
- Narrative Biography author photo (optional – try to limit bio to 150 words for visual aesthetics)
- Abstract (300-word flexible maximum)
- Introduction
- Main Text, including Figures and Tables, which should appear in-text but may spread across both columns if doing so will ease legibility
- Conclusion
- Nomenclature (optional but encouraged)
- Appendix (optional)
- References (if other work is cited)
- Dates should follow the authors’ names. Dates should not appear at the end of each Reference.
- Within the paper, references should be parenthetical (Author , year)
- Bibliography (optional)
- Acknowledgement (optional)
The abstract at the beginning of the final paper should not be the same abstract submitted in response to the call for papers. The published abstract should be brief, providing a synopsis of the final paper. It should contain no product names, no explanatory terms—just narrative. These abstracts will also appear on our website.
The introduction should lead into the paper by
- defining the problem and
- stating the proposed method of solution.
The use of company names and company products should be limited to this introductory section and only with written consent of the company or products mentioned; thereafter they must be referred to generically. Avoid commercialism. This written consent must accompany your final submission.
Main Text
Headings: Give a heading for each important section of the paper to help organize and improve the visual appearance of the paper in print. Do not write or refer to different sections as chapters. Do not use Roman numerals. With the exception of the first paragraphs of the paper that include the narrative biographies of the authors, all sections should have a heading.
Always capitalize the first letter of the first word after a large bullet. Use bullets instead of numbered or lettered statements whenever possible. Small bullets are used for subcategories under large bullets. Use periods after bullet statements only if the statement completes a sentence or is a complete sentence. The first level of bullets will not be indented. The first line of the second level of bullets will be indented one tab.
Capitalize the word “Equation” in the sentence and place the number in parentheses. Symbols should be clearly defined immediately after the equation in which they appear. Number equations consecutively, and cite in text by number. Example: “…in Equation (1).”
Figures and Captions
All figures and tables must be cited in the text, numbered consecutively as they appear, and placed as closely as possible after the paragraph in which they are cited. All figures and tables must have captions. Captions are always placed below figures and above tables and are to be kept as brief as possible. Captions are capitalized in the same way a title is capitalized: articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are in lowercase. Example: Figure 1. Diagram of a Compressor.
YOU MUST CITE THE SOURCE OF EACH FIGURE. If a figure is presented without citation, it is reasonable for the reader to assume the figure was created by the author. If the author has taken the figure from another source, the source must be cited in the figure caption. Example: Figure 1. Diagram of a Compressor (Courtesy of General Electric)
All measurements must be in United States Customary Units and SI (Metric) Units in the text.
If you are presenting at a Symposium in Houston, please list U.S. Units first.
If you are presenting at a Symposium in Doha, please list SI/Metric Units first. The exception to this rule is in Figures. In Figures, cite the units used by the experiment or manufacturer.
In the Main Text, cite references by giving the last name of the author and the year of publication of the reference. Enclose the year of publication in parentheses; whether or not the author’s name should be enclosed within the parentheses depends on the context. References should be listed alphabetically.
Jones (1964) developed an alternative model or
An alternative model (Jones 1964) was developed.If there are two authors, include both last names in the citation separated by “and.”Example: Jones and Smith (1972) explored…
If there are more than two authors, include the last name of the first author followed by “et al.”
Example: Jones, et al. (1973), believed…
If there are two or more references with the same author and the same year of publication, distinguish the references in the text by adding a lowercase letter (“a” to the first citation, “b” to the second citation, etc.).
Example: Jones (1985a) felt that… and The theory Jones (1985b) had…
The list of References must be complete.
- Format for books: Author, year of publication, Title of Book, City, State/Country of publication: Name of Publisher.
- Format for articles: Author, year of publication, “Title of Article,” Title of Book or Journal in which article appears, issue number, page number.
- References should be listed alphabetically.
- Use up to two initials (if given), not first names, in author’s name. Put a space between the two initials.
- Use commas between names in a series of three or more but just an “and” between two names.
- Date is directly after author’s name.
- Put a period at the end of the reference.
API 682, 1994, “Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps,” First Edition, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
Dufour, J. W. and Nelson, W. E., 1980, “Maintenance of Small Steam Turbines,” Sawyer’s Turbomachinery Maintenance Handbook 2, Turbomachinery International Publications.
Hoppock, W. G., Silvaggio, J. A., and Van Bramer, K. G., 1982, “Abradable Seals in Turbomachinery,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, pp. 61-68.
Lobanoff, V. S. and Ross, R. R., 1985, Centrifugal Pumps: Design and Application, Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Company.
Lupfer, D. E., Johnson, M. L., and Smith, D. R., 1980, “Analog Computer Controls Cuts Distillation Costs,” Instrument Society of America Journal, 13, pp. 55-58.
Piotrowski, J. D., June 1984, “How Varying Degrees of Misalignment Affect Rotating Machinery: A Case Study,” Machinery Vibration Monitoring and Analysis Meeting, Claredon Hills, Illinois, pp. 15-22.
Punctuation and Symbols
Degrees: Use the degree symbol in temperature measurements. Use the word when referring to angles.
Hyphens: Use a hyphen when a first word modifies a second word in forming a compound adjective (well-known man, full-time employee). However, most words are not hyphenated. Avoid using hyphens after prefixes unless the hyphen is needed because the resulting word otherwise has a different meaning
Numbers: In text, spell out the numbers one through nine, and use numerals for 10 and above. In the case of amounts, use numerals.
Percent: Always spell out the word percent. Use the symbol only in an equation or table.
Periods: Leave only one space after periods between sentences.
Abbreviations: Do not use periods within or after abbreviations; e.g. ASME, ft, gpm rpm
Preferred Spelling:
- data (plural), datum (singular)
- barrel-type compressor
- O-ring
- off-design
- state-of-the-art
- ten-hour (as an adjective)
The following are one word.
- flowrate
- rotordynamics
- troubleshooting
- turboexpander
- Turbomachinery
Size of Artwork: When figures and tables are published, they will be sized to a one column width (3.25 inches wide). When it aids clarity, figures and tables may extend to both columns. Please ensure that, when reduced, the text within the figures or tables will still be legible.
Numbering Artwork: Number all artwork in consecutive order by category (i.e., Figures or Tables). Even if a paper is written in several sections, there can be only one “Figure 1” in the paper. Do not submit multiple figures, such as Figure 3a, Figure 3b, … Figure 3f.
Labeling Artwork: Label illustrations, graphs, photographs, etc., as Figures. Label tables as Tables.
NOTE ABOUT ARTWORK: Short course notebooks will be printed in black and white. We will also provide short course attendees with USB sticks of the notebook with all original color.