46th Turbomachinery and 33rd Pump Symposia
Updated November 18, 2016
Thank you for considering submitting to the Turbo and Pump Symposia to be held September 11-14, 2017.
Purpose: Case Study Presentations provide prospective lecture authors a means of informally presenting their success stories/lessons learned. To participate, you must prepare a detailed, succinct presentation along with a short abstract. Each invited presenter will be given 10-20 minutes to relate their experiences, with an additional 5-10 minutes for questions. Multiple case studies will be scheduled per 90-minute session. Your case study must be vetted by the monitor assigned to you after the abstract process and before ultimate publication and presentation. Once the monitor notifies the Publication Coordinator that your case study is ready for publication, your presentation (in PDF format) will be reproduced on a portable USB stick available to attendees. The USB stick will contain the entire contents of the Symposia.
Abstracts Due
October 17, 2016 Authors will be notified by November 30.
If your abstract is considered favorably, a full PowerPoint presentation will be invited for further review.
Complete Presentation Due
March 20, 2017 Authors notified before the end of April.
Final, Monitor-Approved Presentations and Author Forms Due
May 29, 2017
Abstracts can be 1-3 pages and should describe a problem, its solution, and the lessons learned. Stories relating the failure of others, such as manufacturers or suppliers, will not be permitted. Avoid commercialism; you are describing a technology, not selling the manufacturer or user of that technology.
Case Study Elements
- A Symposia-branded template will be made available to authors whose abstracts are invited for further review. In the meantime, here are some of the elements:
- Title: one concise and definitive slide
- Title slide should include a listing of authors and their affiliations.
- Your second slide should include brief biographical information on each presenter.
- Problem -> Solutions -> Lessons Learned format required
- 24 point font minimum on all slides. Do not clutter your slides. 1 slide with clear problem statement
- Analysis method and/or steps used to solve the problem — 6 slides
- Conclusion and recommendation, along with other options considered — 3 slides
- Results realized from field implementation of recommendation — 2 slides
- Lessons learned (optional) — 1 to 2 slides
- Do not read directly from your slides. Let your verbal presentation skills do the work. Slides: No more than 15 computer-driven slides are needed for the 20-minute presentation.
- Commercialism is not permitted. Include your company name and logo on the first slide only.
46th Turbomachinery and 33rd Pump Symposia
Updated November 18, 2016
General Information
- Case studies should relate concise and complete success stories/lessons learned. Stories relating the failure of others, such as manufacturers or suppliers, will not be permitted.
- Case studies composed without any user assistance from the equipment owner require written approval of the presentation slides from the affected equipment owner/operator before the final committee review.
- Commercialism is not permitted. The LOGOs and company names of the authors/presenters may appear only on the first page. No logos or company names can be present on subsequent visual or written presentations. References to commercial
products, trade names, and manufacturing companies must be avoided. - All presentation materials must be clearly readable from the back of the room (minimum 24 point type is mandatory). Slides should be uncluttered to promote readability.
- A combination of text slides, charts, and photos works better than simply text slides.
Customarily, only one author can present. In special circumstances, presentations by two individuals may be considered. Ask your monitor for permission if you wish to have more than one presenter.
- References are optional. They can be included in the published slides but should not be cited in the presentation.
- Presenters are encouraged to do several dry runs before an audience to ensure that the presentation can be done within the 20-minute presentation time period and to clarify any problem areas.
- Examples of good, previously presented Case Studies can be found on our website at http://turbolab.tamu.edu/proc/.
- Copyright laws have changed dramatically during the last few years. Copying something that has been published elsewhere is illegal, without specific permission. It is the presenter’s obligation to get legal clearance to present figures, etc., that have been published elsewhere.
Contact Information
Your contact information should be up to date in the eTouches submission system. It is up to you to make sure that information stays up to date. The information for the show guide will be pulled in late May to send to the printers and will be difficult to update after that. Please contact Ashton Drollinger for questions.
The Monitor
The Advisory Committee has assigned one of its members as your monitor. The monitor will be of significant assistance to you. You must submit your presentation to your monitor for final approval well before the May 23 deadline and before ultimate submission to the Turbomachinery Laboratory. This must be done with sufficient time allowed to make any suggested changes and still meet the due dates. We must also receive release (an email is fine) from your monitor with your final symposium presentation. If you have trouble contacting or hearing back from your monitor, please contact Ashton Drollinger.
Symposium Presentation
If your presentation is selected and approved, the Turbomachinery Laboratory will provide the projector and a USB pre-loaded with your PowerPoint presentation at the Symposium; laptop available upon request.
For more information, contact
Ashton Drollinger
Conference Services Director
Turbomachinery Laboratory
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
College Station, Texas 77843-3254
Phone: 979-458-2808
Fax: 979-845-1835