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Short Courses
A Short Course is a full-day training session presented concurrently with other short courses on the first day of the Symposia. Short Courses run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm with a 75-minute luncheon and two 30-minute breaks. Please submit a detailed abstract, including a course philosophy and goal, an outline, and a written summary of who the audience is and what they will learn.
- Turbomachinery for Downstream Applications
- Industrial Gas Turbines
- Transmission Technology
- Materials Selection for Centrifugal Compressors and Steam Turbines in Refinery and Olefins Applications
- Lateral Rotordynamics of Petrochemical Equipment -Review, Examples & Problems
- Pump Design, Selection and Applications
- Fundamentals of Special Purpose Steam Turbines 201
A Lecture is a presentation of a technical paper detailing cutting-edge, emerging turbomachinery or reciprocating compressor technology. The described technology should have been successfully field tested at least once and include field experience. A lecture presentation is 45 minutes long, including time for Q&A.
- A Procedure For Design A High-Performance Low-Pressure Turbine For Electric Generator
- Application Of Hybrid Centrifugal Compressor And Pump Packages For Carbon Sequestration Co2 Compression
- Bearing Metal Temperature Considerations In Tilting Pad Journal Bearings
- Comparison Of The Thermal Stability Of Turbine Lubricants At Varying Surface Temperatures
- Compressor Noise Attenuation By Acoustic Blankets: Testing And Development
- Hydrogen Liquefaction Process Requirements For Cryogenic Turboexpanders
- Improvements To A Sco2 Service Integrally Geared Compressor Based On The Measured
- Performance Of A Journal Bearing Over A Wide Range Of Rotor Speeds And Unit Loads
- Integrally Geared Compressor Package For Ccs Service With High-Accuracy Thermal Performance Evaluation Of Wet Co2 Gas Cooler
- Modes Of Vibration For Closed Impellers: Test Vs Prediction
- Numerical Prediction Of The Co Emissions From A Syngas-Fueled, 300-Bar Sco2 Combustor Using A Reactor Network Model
- Test Campaign For A High Pressure Compressor With Modular Rotor
- Using Single Stage Radial Compressors In Lieu Of Axial Compressors For High Volumetric Flows
- Next Generation Dual Pressurized And Dry Running Containment Seals For Liquid Pipelines
- Rotordynamic Unbalance Test Campaign On Bb5 Inline Centrifugal Pump
- A Study On Flare Gas Recovery System Configuration
- Design And Applications Of Centrifugal Hydrogen Pumps And Compressors
- Extending High-Efficiency Gear Technology To Low-Speed High-Energy Pump Applications
- Leveraging Artificial Intelligence With Spectrum Based Diagnosis For Detection Of Machinery Anomaly
- Use Of High-Frequency Vibration Measurements And Analysis To Identify Rotor Rubbing Patterns In Multistage Pumps
- to top
A Tutorial is a mini short course/workshop. It is a teaching process. Presenters are encouraged to bring in equipment for hands-on instruction. Tutorials consist of 75-80 minutes of presentation and 10-15 minutes of questions and discussion.
- Transforming Maintenance Using Virtual Assembly
- A Comprehensive Approach To Shaft Vibration Diagnostics For Centrifugal Compressors
- Compressors For The Decarbonizing World
- Impacts Of Large Motors And Variable Speed Drives On Centrifugal Compressors
- Materials Selection For Centrifugal Compressors In Hydrogen And Low Temperature Applications
- Torsional Vibration Measurements And Tuning Techniques In Turbomachinery Couplings
- Turbomachinery In Ethylene Plants
- Tutorial__Review Of All Types Of Rub Behaviors And Diagnostics Jy For Atps
- Centrifugal Pump Fundamentals And Basic Selection
- Considerations In The Design And Operation Of An Api 682 Piping Plan 53b
- Pump Cavitation. How To Avoid It, And How To Live With It – Tutorial
- Rotordynamic Analysis Of A Vertical Long Ammonia Pump
- Shop Rotordynamic Testing – Options, Objectives, Benefits And Practices
Case Studies
A Case Study is a short informational PowerPoint presentation describing the successful implementation of established turbomachinery or pump technology to solve a real-world problem. Case studies concisely relate a Problem, its Solutions, and the Lessons Learned. Each invited case study is limited to 10 minutes for Turbo and 20 minutes for Pump to relate their experiences with an additional five minutes for questions. Presentations consist of an abstract of 10-20 slides. Stories relating the failure of others, such as manufacturers or suppliers, will not be permitted.
- “Case Study On Investigation And Resolution Of Multiple Bleed-Off Valves (Bov) Duct/Dish Failures For Gas Turbine Units”
- Acc Gearbox With Multiple Faults
- Challenges & Solutions In Co2 Sequestration Application
- Critical Machinery Component Repair Using Pulse Laser Welding
- Cs98_Screw Compressor Malfunction Remote Diagnostic
- Eliminating The Morton Effect With Squeeze Film Dampers
- Enabling Effective Turbomachinery Remote Monitoring For Petronas Floating Lng
- Failure Analysis Of Labyrinth And Seal Ring In A Gas_Turbine_Engine
- Gas Turbine Mode Transfer Restriction (Case Study)
- Gas Turbine Stall Failure Lesson Learnt
- Gtg Package Reliability Improvement Post Legacy Issues Resolution At Gas Processing Plants
- High Speed Blower Impeller 3d Printing And Analysis
- Industrial Gas Turbine Auxiliary System Failure In Offshore Platform
- Investigation Into Failure Of Inlet Steam Governor Valve For A Critical Steam Turbine In An Oil Refinery
- Lesson Learnt On Ineffective Preservation Strategy For Untouched Equipment During Shutdown
- Lube Oil Life Extension Study For Propylene Refrigeration Compressor
- Lubricated Rub In A Centrifugal Compressor
- Practical Solution Of Steam Turbine Rotor Repair With Design Modification At The Case Scc Detected
- Real Time Monitoring Of Turbomachinery Ghg Emission; Practical Case Study By Petronas Upstream
- Restoration Of 6mw Industrial Steam Turbine
- Retrofitting Stepless Capacity Control Reduces Emissions And Increases Efficiency And Reliability In Reciprocating Compressor
- Returning Scrapped 22 Year-Old Centrifugal Compressor Back To Operationality
- Surge And Its Prevention On A Barrel Type Compressor
- Troubleshooting Subsynchronous Vibration Caused By The Axial Float Of A Thrust Bearing
With Saw Repair Technique
- Case Study On Fluid Density Impact On Centrifugal Pump Pre-Mature Failures & Quick Fix Solution Implementation In Resolving The Prolonged Issue
- Case Study On Premature Failure Of The Radial Bearings In Vs6 Pump
- Improving Mechanical Seal Performance In Solids-Containing Process Fluids Using Api Piping Plan 32 Case Study
- Mechanical Seal Failure Of An Axial Flow Pump
- Non-Metallic Composite Material Wear Rings To Resolve Galling Issues And Improve Performance
- Npsh3 Improvement On Low Flow Centrifugal Pumps
- Resolution Of Pentane Pump High Vibration And Rotor Instability Using Non-Metallic Wear Components
- Solving Icing Challenges: A Mechanical Seal Case Study On Low Temperature Tandem Bellows
- Seal With An Integrated Bearing Isolator In A Humid Environment
- Strange Frequencies In Pump Vibrations And Their Resolutions
- Coke Cutting Pump System Troubleshooting
Discussion Groups
A Discussion Group is a forum in which leaders and attendees can address problems brought to the floor by attendees and find solutions to those problems through dialogue. Suggested Topics are to start the conversation; actual topics discussed will be determined by each session’s attendees. Each Discussion Group is 90 minutes long.
- Coming Soon
Technical Briefs
A Technical Brief is a short length communication describing advances in a specific topic or issue. Unlike a Case Study (CS), the technical brief aims to showcase relevant information related to (measured) improvements in performance, predictions of system behavior, etc. (not necessarily associated to resolving an actual machine operational issue). The Technical Brief will be scheduled with a presentation time of 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for Q&A.
- Gas Turbine Generator Operating Philosophy Optimization Towards Lower Maintenance Cost & Carbon Emissions Reduction
- Gas Turbine Reliability Enhancement Through Root Cause Identification And Human Performance Improvement (Hpi)
- Introduction Of A Double Flow Propylene Compressor With Sideload In A Large Scale Ethylene Plant
- Prognostics And Health Monitoring Solutions For Dry Gas Seals, Driven By Online Machine Learning Algorithm And Autonomous Failure Mode Assessment
- Remaining Life Assessment For Steam Turbines And Hot Gas Expanders
- Turboexpanders In Solar Energy Storage: Design Considerations And Operational Charecteristics
- Vulnerability Assessment Of Integral Shroud Blade For Steam Turbine Applications
- Application Of Additive Manufacturing Techniques On Centrifugal Pump Repair And Spares Supply
- Pump Cavitation. How To Avoid It, And How To Live With It – Technical Brief
- Turbomachinery Lube Oil Fire: An Overview, Challenges, And Mitigation In Industry